Plastic Limit of Soil

The minimum water content at which soil is in the plastic stage is called plastic limit water content. If a soil sample has water content equals to its plastic limit then it will crumble when rolled into a 3 mm diameter thread. The method to find the plastic limit of soil is based on IS 2720 Part 5.


  1. Take soil sample of 20 gram from the thoroughly mixed portion of material passing through 425-micron sieve.
  2. Mix the soil sample with distilled water thoroughly in an evaporating dish on the glass plate (20 X 15 cm) till the soil mass become plastic enough to be easily moulded with fingers.
  3. Form a ball with about 8 gm of this plastic soil mass.
  4. Roll this ball between fingers and the glass plate with sufficient pressure to roll the mass into a thread of uniform diameter throughout its length.
    Rolling shall be done till the threads of 3 mm diameter.
  5. Form the ball from these 3 mm diameter threads.
  6. Repeat the process of alternate kneading and rolling until the thread crumbles and it can no longer be rolled into a thread.
  7. Collect the crumbled pieces of soil in an airtight container for its water content determination.

The plastic limit shall be determined for at least 3 portions of the soil passing 425 microns IS sieve and the average of these 3 will be the plastic limit of the soil.

Plasticity Index

Plasticity index is the difference of liquid limit and plastic limit.


This property is due to the presence of clay minerals.

Atterberg Limits for soils
Soil Type ${W}_{L}$ ${W}_{P}$ ${I}_{P}$
 Sand  non-plastic
 Silt $ 30-40$ $ 20-25$ $ 10-15$
 Clay $ 40-50$ $ 25-50$ $ 15-100$

Consistency of Soil
${I}_{P}$ Consistency
$ 0$  Non Plastic
$ <7$  Low Plastic
$ 7-17$  Medium Plastic
$ >17$  Highly PLastic

Consistency Index or Relative Consistency


Liquidity Index


Consistency of Soil on the basis of ${I}_{C}$ and ${I}_{L}$
${I}_{C}$ ${I}_{L}$ Consistency
$ >1$ $ <0$  Very Stiff
$ 1-0.75$ $ 0-0.25$  Stiff
 $0.75-0.5$ $ 0.25-0.5$  Medium Stiff
$ 0.5-0.25$  $0.5-0.75$  Soft
$ 0.25-0$ $ 0.75-1$  Very Soft
$ <0$ $ >1$  Liquid State

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